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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm


8795 Ralston Rd.
STE 204C
Arvada, CO 80002

8795 Ralston Rd.
STE 204C
Arvada, CO 80002

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Woman tasting a cup of CBD coffee

Does CBD Coffee Taste Good?


When consuming any beverage, the first thing you get to check is the taste. CBD-infused drinks have become popular. If you prefer tea to coffee and wish to try coffee instead, you will find yourself wondering: does CBD coffee taste good?

Does CBD Coffee Taste Good?

CBD tastes good as a result of the contrast of leafy, vegetal, earthy, or nutty flavors from the CBD combined with the strong flavor of caffeine. CBD coffee tastes mostly like regular coffee. Coffee contrasts CBD's woody flavors, resulting in a good taste that is neither too herbal nor unpleasant.

CBD coffee

However, the flavor may also be affected by how you prepare CBD coffee, especially if you use over-roasted or stale grounds. In general, high-quality CBD coffee grounds or similar goods should taste like coffee. The rich scent of caffeine prevails against the slight hemp aroma.

What Is CBD Coffee?

CBD coffee is a type of coffee that has CBD extract infused or added to it. It can be obtained by brewing CBD-infused coffee, adding CBD oil or tincture, mixing CBD honey, or utilizing hemp powder. Because CBD can be water-soluble, it allows the extract to infuse the flavor well with coffee.

CBD coffee may be helpful to those who enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. It counteracts some of caffeine's negative side effects, particularly its relaxing effects. Coffee will give you the spark you need to boost your energy and concentrate, while CBD will help you relax.

How to Make CBD Coffee

There have not been many methods devised to make CBD coffee. The two main known methods are:

  • Adding CBD to an already prepared coffee drink
  • Infusing CBD into the coffee beans

Adding CBD Into an Already-Brewed Coffee

This method is easy and can be done at home. It involves adding CBD oil to a cup of coffee. This approach of making CBD coffee is, yet, considered inferior.

CBD coffee can be made with a variety of CBD products, not CBD oil. CBD coconut oil and CBD butter can also be added to coffee that has already been brewed.

CBD oil

Infusing Coffee Beans With CBD

This method is a more complex process compared to the first. It occurs during the roasting and grinding of the coffee beans and using the natural oils released. It is a sensitive process as it can ruin the taste of coffee if it is incorrectly done.

Generally, CBD coffee enthusiasts prefer this method. They claim it brings about a cup of coffee that tastes better and one that fully delivers the benefits of CBD coffee.

You will need a French press for this approach. Let’s get down to the process:

  1. Take your coffee beans and coat them with the CBD oil
  2. Proceed to use the French press to brew your delicious coffee.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

The concentration of CBD in various products can vary. Thus, check the label to see how much CBD is in it and calculate how much of the chemical you are ingesting in each cup.

Which Coffee Beans Are Best for CBD Coffee?

For a good cup of CBD coffee, using infused CBD coffee beans is the better option. Pre-packaged or pre-ground coffee will probably be your first option as you shop. They are certainly time-savers and won't need much effort during preparation.

Unfortunately, this kind of coffee is low-quality as it may have lost its flavors and aroma while processing. Buying coffee beans is a better move and with that said, here are some of the features to look for when buying;

Woman tasting a cup of CBD coffee
  • Freshness: Green beans should be purchased whole and ground as needed. This way, you'll ensure that they will not lose their flavor or aroma before you consume them.
  • The region where they were grown: When it comes to growing certain types of plants, some areas are more preferable to others.
  • Organic certification: This means that the producer had to meet specific standards and follow best practices when growing the plant.

Considering these will ensure your batch of beans meets your specific requirements and standards. Remember to store them properly to preserve their freshness and flavor.

Related Questions

Is CBD Coffee Good for Anxiety?

If you suffer from depression and anxiety, you should consider drinking CBD coffee to relieve them. CBD offers the calming sensation you may be yearning for.

How Much Does a Cup of CBD Coffee Cost?

This will depend on the quality of coffee beans used and the amount of CBD in them. On average, a cup of CBD coffee will range from 2 USD to 4 USD.


The first impression that CBD coffee brings varies among people. Many, however, have stated that it was surprisingly good. CBD coffee is definitely worth a try and it comes along with some benefits you might enjoy.